Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Faculty update

Here are the things we missed after your EXCELLENT work of getting the NetBooks out of the packaging and into the carts.

Joel Peddle - Recess Activities
Joel is ready, willing and able to help every teacher with creative solutions to get their recess time organized for student learning and safety. Many of the collaborative activities we will employ at field day will stem from things you can do with 10-15 minutes of your time. this will also set a great example for the students of how to play during free time. Please see Joel and he can get some coverage for his class if you would like for him to be in your PLC meeting for 15 minutes next week.

Jeff Faullin - Title 1 Conference
This date and our response to the request for a staff development presentation from Brunson for our Title One Peers will requires some discussion. I will get with all the PLC teams and intervention teachers this week and next for a 10-15 minute conversation. We are reporting back to School One day early, August 16th. that extra day of work will be traded for a Rs day Easter Monday April 25, 2011.

SIOP July 20-22
This training is for all Residential teachers from 8-1 either here or at the Children's center. We plan to compensate all staff who attend at the rate of $75/day.

May 17th 5th grade science
May 18th-20th Reading & Math
June 1-4 Re-test
June 8th Field Day
June 9th Celebrations
June 10th Last day of School.

Good of the Order
-Outdoor Classroom Please consider using these Spaces. The PTA locker has the outdoor microscopes and the combo lock code is available in the office. Once you know it you will never forget it.

-Friday Lunch, I have adjusted the Lunch schedule due to 3 grade levels being on Field trips. I will have a copy posted next to the sign in sheet. If this creates a conflict, let me know before the end of the day. Also Please communicate with parents and students as many come for lunch on Friday and we do not want them here at the wrong time.

-Healthcare, if you have not gone online before Friday to elect the 80/20 and attest that you do not smoke/or are in a cessation program, you will be dropped to the 70/30 for the next enrollment period beginning in July.

-Teacher intent, Please complete this for staffing needs for next year. Only certificated staff need to do this and remember, asking for a transfer due to our changing theme and magnet status is NOT a problem. Everybody has a choice.

- TWC Survey, there are still 11 more staff members who have not completed this task. Please do your part to give our SIT accurate data to use in our SIP.

-Retention Letter with Report cards, I want to enclose a letter for each and every student that we may consider for retention. Please get me an electronic list with accurate names before the weekend. I will print letters and have them for your report card envelopes by Monday afternoon.

If you have read this far, THANKS. You are a special group of educators and I am thankful to be working with you! the power point is on the shared folder if you want to peruse it and the links to some of the documents.

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