Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PLC & Duty-Free Lunch Schedules

I am posting the schedule for PLC to begin next week, October 5th, with assistants teaching the class. It is CRITICAL that excellent communication takes place between the teacher and the assistant so that the rigor and relevance of academic instruction is maintained with fidelity and integrity.

What? Is that some sort of Edu-speak?

Bottom line; We cannot sacrifice any instructional time for busywork or "fluff." Our assistants are Excellent, and they can deliver high quality instruction with the guidance and TRUST of the classroom teacher. Please plan on working together for the best interest of the kids.

To find the schedule, look on the "S" drive (staff shared folder) and it will be in the "2009-2010 Schedule" folder.

The file is labeled "2009-2010 PLC"

Also in this folder is a file titled "2009-2010 Duty-Free Lunch" Each classroom teacher is entitled to 2 duty-free lunch periods per week. The coverage schedule is dependent on each teacher being on time for both entry and exit from the cafe.

At TAC yesterday we discussed the poor habits we have developed this year in our cafeteria. Let's all review the PBS universals with our classes before we feel comfortable with leaving our students for duty-free lunch.

For the remainder of this week, please meet with your PLC on a common planning time and begin to discuss future agenda items. Think big picture and find a vision that will support student learning and methods to increase our ability to make a positive impact on the lives of our students.

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